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AustLit for Schools
An Essential Resource
(Status : Public)
Coordinated by Teaching
  • Using Bibliographic Data to Support Education

    There are many ways that bibliographical data can be used to support education. Through AustLit advanced search, you can locate different kinds of data about author heritage, translations languages, and, text type and genre.

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    Some examples include:

  • Example: 'Othello' in Australian Literary History

    There are many ways to search, use and share bibliographic data through AustLit. Creating digital humanities projects with your students can aid development of 21st century skills, prepare them for tertiary study and bridge gaps between old and new texts and media. Below is an example of a timeline based on bibliographic data about Shakespeare's play 'Othello' in Australian literary history. 

  • Using Advanced Search

    As well as the keyword search found at the top of each page, AustLit also has a powerful advanced search for subscribers that can be used to narrow down results so you can find exactly what you are looking for. Not only can you search across author names and work titles, but also dates of publication, birth dates, subjects and settings of works, awards received, form and type of work, genre, author heritage, publisher, gender, and much more.

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  • Finding Teaching Resources in AustLit

    AustLit also curates freely available teaching resources, including publisher's teaching notes, collaborative projects with Reading Australia, or AustlLit-created content for teachers.

    Browse these resources here, or click on the individual links below for different types of records with teaching resources:

    Picture Books Children's Fiction Young Adult Fiction Adult Fiction
    Drama Poetry Film and TV BlackWords Texts

  • As there are thousands of resources available, you may wish to conduct an advanced search using your own criteria. 

  • Developing Digital Literacy through AustLit

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    We are an excellent site for both students and teachers to develop digital literacy skills and database competency. We have developed a series of lesson outlines that use the AustLit database to guide students through progressively more complex research tasks. The lesson guides encourage digital literacy and database competency in the contained space of the AustLit database.

    Access 'Developing Digital Literacy through AustLit'

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